So, I watched the Haunting in Conneticut movie, which was pretty good, for a modern horror.
It wasn't Cramed with sex D:, but that does get a little annoying after a while, haha. It, as far as i know, stuck pretty close to the "True story" although the ending didn't
actually happen.
It was a debut film for Peter Cornwell, who did a marvelous job on connecticut. I'd watch it if you havent already.
I'd give it a 85/100
After watching that movie, i put in an old CD of Rob Zombie, and just remembered how badass he was.
Lol, if you haven't seen House of 1000 Corpses you're missing out on one of the most fucked up movies ever. lol.
I dunno why i'm ranting, all well.
Adios...? God i hate spanish...
Oh yeah, check out my dog! Her name is polar :)
Hot dog dude. We just molested my friends boxer with two laser pointers, man I think we did pyscho damage to that poor thing. His name is Crouton, like the stuff for salads..... thx for reviewing a song of mine.
and cool, molesting dogs with lasers is always fun.